Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One Tired Gamma

Been taking care of the Boo for 4 days and nights... wiping sweat off with back of hand across forehead ... swooshhhhh

Here is a picture that Uncle Ted and Aunt Gla will love... they got Gunnar a stuffed deer head when he was born and my Husband mounted it. It has yet to be hung on the wall but he just loves this deer! He hugs it and kisses it right on the end of its nose!
He is getting so grown up! Here he is helping Papa water the trees (he is lounging on the back of the quad while Papa does all the work) Lol.
Don't you just love our make shift watering tank. Lol

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Pam said...

That watering truck is ingenious. Love the (mounted!) stuffed deer head. Never seen anything like that before.

KatBouska said...

I love that picture of him with gramps in the watering truck!! So sweet!

KatBouska said...

Hey! Of course you can link up an old post!! Just make sure when you put the URL into Mr. Linky, that it goes directly to that post!!

The Crazy Coxes said...

Thanks for coming over to visit!

I LOVE the watering tank! I need one of those!

And I'm sorry to be laughing AT you or WITH you about the grandbaby and poop in the crib. I'm so sorry!

The Rambler said...

Awwww to him kissing his deer :)

And very genius at the makeshift watering equipment!!

mamammelloves said...

Hi from SITS! Love the pic of him kissing the deer head! Have a great day! :)

Marie Reed said...

Boo is as cute as a button! I've never seen a stuffed mounted dear head like that! Love it!