Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday #7

Thankful Thursdays are all about taking the time to appreciate all the little things or big things that actually went right during the week and not focus on what went wrong!

This theme is possible because of the inspiration of another blogger, Pam at

1. I am so thankful... that we almost have my daughters remodelling (this phase anyway) done! My hubby refurbished a head and foot board for her, we painted it and her dressers, we are trying to finish her living room that was actually started last year... it is really looking good.

2. I am so thankful... that my Boo is really starting to do a lot of talking... repeating words and putting them together. His face lights up when he realizes you understand him.

3. I am so thankful... that my hubby is going to see his Mom... she is getting really frail.

4. I am so thankful... that I have a secret that I can't disclose at this time. It is a surprise!

5. I am so thankful... that I was able to see the house my Dad was born in... here is a picture of it at about the time my Dad was born. That is my Uncle Leo standing in front of the porch.
Just look at the date written on the back of the picture. Probably in my Grandpa's writing.