Saturday, June 12, 2010


Days of 49... fun, fun, fun.

And I am babysitting my Boo!  Oh well, maybe next year my hubby and I can take in some of the festivities.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

This Six Word Saturday is a creation by Cate at Show my Face.  Here is the link if you would like to participate:


Lola said...

What great pics on yr page!

Wishing you a Happy Six Word Saturday!


PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can join me!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Vicarious fun for you this year?

Planning a Trip

Anonymous said...

I'll be babysitting my grandson Za today. How cool is that?

brandi said...

~wishing you a wonderful time with your litle one! warm wishes and brightest blessings~

maddie/cadesmimi said...

I'll be babysitting my grandson today, too. He's 18 months old today. Have a great weekend!

Caroline said...

Enjoy !!

Happy 6WS

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

cool six words...
have a fun day!

Kasi said...

Great six word Saturday! :) Have alot of fun!

Linda said...

Well...have a good day today...and may you be blessed!

Olivia said...

Have fun babysitting. My mom will have my kiddos some of next week, and boy, am I looking forward to that!

Molly said...

I wish my kids lived close enough so I could babysit them. I hope you have a great time. I just became a follower of yours so now I will know what you are up to. Thanks for coming by my place and hope to see you again soon. Hugs

Pam said...

Enjoy your time with Boo! How exciting. But I have to ask, what is Days of 49? A festival of some sort? Your 49th birthday? Inquiring minds...

Btw, I LOVE your new look. Very nice!